
{Revised} Salvation Through The Torah & The Living Word For The Jews First & The Gentile

Salvation Through The Torah; The Living Word; For Those Who Are Still Seeking the Truth!

~@ROliverLuce | 03-23-17 [Revised]


I am responding to certain Facebook questions & entries regarding “exposing missionaries,” how we (both Jews & Gentiles who love Adonai) are ALL missionaries, and how Jews are saved from their daily sins through requirements that are possible only from Adonai’s power of His love. And I will go into detail what I am talking about! Questions and responses are welcome.

{Revised} Salvation Through The Torah & The Living Word & For Those Who Are Still Seeking the Truth!

Why “expose missionaries?” I will first say many Christian groups do NOT know God as their complete wisdom (not the wisdom without Torah). Thus many do not depend on and go to Adonai for ‘wisdom’ that leads to reaching people wisely (with a pure heart) FOR the TRUTH without pushing nor lording it over people! Instead, many Christian or Messianic Jewish missionaries offend the Jews without listening to Adonai’s voice.

But it’s also true that the ‘heavenly Torah’ [the living Word, from the mouth of Adonai] may be convicting Jews as well. So let us be honest and be content that we know Adonai intimately through the Word and earnest prayer. We’re all sinners. There is a God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob that does judge and discern for which cause there will be a judgment in the end.

We can be confident of what it says in Romans chapter two and in the book of the “Tanakh” that if we are genuine seekers of the Truth, in word and deed, Adonai is the AUTHOR and we will discover that He is the Author! BUT, I say this only to PROVE that those who are blind (do not know) to what Adonai has made known (Torah) and to who is the author of the TRUTH, will NOT have this confidence in seeking the truth for their life.
The Jews have Adonai’s written Torah for their salvation. If they rely on Adonai’s love and grace for empowerment in keeping the Torah, they do well and will have the confidence! Because with Adonai’s forgiveness their consciences are cleared even as they are still waiting for THE MESSIAH to fulfill all things in the Torah. However, when a Jew realizes the Messiah, HE must compel himself to accept Adonai’s Word into his own heart as an act of circumcision of his heart! As for many Gentiles, many do give up and embrace their sins and fail to do what is right because of their lack of confidence!

For this cause we are missionaries to the NATIONS; all of us, the Jews first and the Gentiles who embrace the author of the TRUTH, the Messiah who covers our sins through the Covenant of Adonai as we can visualize from Genesis 15:17 {CJB version}. In this passage is where Adonai and His Spirit of Love pass through the two pieces of flesh that represent Adonai’s WORD of promise (the Truth)!

To reiterate about those who are seeking the truth without the realization of knowing the Torah and the Messiah, allow me to explain in closing. The Jews are saved from their sin condition through the Torah and what it means to follow the Torah for salvation. It would mean to know that the Torah can only be kept through continually accepting Adonai’s unconditional graciousness and forgiveness of sins daily. Thus repentance of sin is crucial to Adonai’s forgiveness when their conscience comes to a realization of [a] sin, but not false guilt.


The Time for Presidential Overreach is Over; Stop the Overreach Now!

By R.OliverLuce | 03-15-14

“The Constitution is clear: it is the role of Congress to make ‘all laws’, the Judiciary to interpret (straight forwardly) the laws [as stated in the Constitution], and the President to “take care that the laws be [ALWAYS BE] faithfully executed [until ‘Congress’ changes the laws].”(01)

“The Constitution grants Congress, NOT the president, the power to make legislative decisions!”(01)  And those who give into a liberal mindset in setting up themselves above the law, do so to suit their own interests in ways that  are anti-constitutional through the blocking of congressional bills from reaching congress for a vote and forcing only their bills that are not legal in nature.  These liberal congressmen and senators (both democrats and GOP) have even egged on the President to circumvent congress as a whole, knowing the actions are anti-constitutional and do not have the support of the American people.  They only support a corrupt agenda which does not support the constitution and the American people.

The President is not suppose to refuse the enforcement of the laws he is suppose to execute and he promised through his oath of office to faithfully execute the office of the Presidency, when accepting the office!  For that President must be impeached when he does NOT faithfully execute his role as the President of the United States per the Constitution.  This president has failed willfully on a massive scale and has deceived the American people with his illegal executive actions (E.A.s).

May 16th is coming up very quickly when millions of people are hoping to assemble and demonstrate their displeasure of the evil that is in Washington D.C.  Their plan is to stay until righteousness is restored and selfish controlling interests are removed, impeached, and jailed for high crimes by all parties involved not just the President and not just democrats.  It’s a liberal like mindset that has infected our national consciousness.  There is a time of reckoning and pushback perhaps all the way back to the Manifest Destiny days without the slavery. Our nation will not go forward with a negative fearful vision of false-guilt(02) and limitations of the human spirit!

God has given us a destiny of projecting freedom and protection against any evil that is grounded in false-guilt(02) and fear, with a special projection of protect towards Israel a Jewish state who mission is to lead and teach the world how to have a relationship with our Creator God!  Atheists don’t need to fear for their Creator is a gentleman!

(01) Reference:

(02) False-guilt, is an attitude of over-reacting to a condition that is promoted with falsehood with half-truths. Examples: Indians were completely innocent. And a focus on the sins of America instead of focusing on it’s redeeming features such as removing slavery, but not accepting other cultures of world domination such as Islam.


Liberalism Focused on National Sin Rather Than American Redemption; Pretext to Socialism

by R.OliverLuce | 02-23-2014

Liberalism through it’s discuss of our cultural values has chosen to focus on our national sins at the expense of America’s redemptive nature & it’s Manifest Destiny to spread freedom through righteousness, that through education and the Christian Religion(s) America’s vision might be fullfilled; Matthew 24:14.

In reiterating by explaining, liberalism has corrupted the American people with obsessive false-guilt and sin. All this by one of their focuses on the nation’s national sins rather than America’s redemptive Manifest Destiny as it was coined later in 1835. However the vision of this destiny was originated with President Washington to educate and redeem the Indians that we might continue to live together in peace. But, liberalism’s focus on our national sins covers up and takes us away from America’s ability to continue as an exceptional country on this earth. An exceptional-ism that transcends our differences but unites us to move into the future with great hopes and expectations for us to overcome our various and numerous national sins which we have.

Manifest Destiny is/was the miracle-attitude because it was an inspiration from God by it’s very nature, to eventually redeem an American national culture and thereby spread it to the Indians and around the world.
I say, it’s on the level of God’s original plan to raise up Israel through redemption and spread and teach it to all the other nations around the world. God still has that plan for Israel. God has always wanted to bless the nations of the world through the Jews whom He has shown His love. His love that can be had by all the nations of the world!!

In summing up, liberalism is very bad for our hopes and expectations to say the least! By focusing on our national sins of the past and present we only get more of the same! Even in daily life we all know in a marriage when a spouse continues to focus on the negative, she or he will ONLY get more of the same with no relief either. Bitterness in liberal blacks with an attitude towards white people will only bring out the worst of those they hate, for obvious reasons, and they will only have themselves to blame. Liberalism must be exposed and contained on the ash heap of history to save our liberal-black friends and families who are stuck in the bondage of spiritual dependency.


A Warning for President Obama & Fellow Americans Who Walk in Self-Deception

A warning for those who walk in national self-deception, whether progressive or conservative!

An address to President @BarackObama and everyone else who have been self-deceived in believing America is not exceptional, but is willingly redeemable and searching the ever continuing revelation of righteousness that releases us from our sins that God brings to the surface. In God we believe we can always overcome our sins and bring real freedom to our country! An exceptional country redeemable even in the face of those who hate her, but willing to show other nations and their own personal cultures they too can have freedoms without self incrimination and perversion.

A prophecy to an America Leader who has choosen, through self-deception, to walk away from the God of his forefathers who began this great American republic even as a flawed nation with sin, but a nation redeemable through it’s spirit of willingly given to the God of creation. There is a difference between a people’s spirit who sin and those who sin but are redeemable without bitterness and unforgiveness.

2Ch 7:17-22 “As for you(Obama), if you walk before Me as your father David(Washington) walked, even to do according to all that I have commanded you(Obama), and will keep My statutes and My ordinances(God’s), (18) then I will establish your royal throne(Obama’s heritage) as I covenanted with your father David(Washington and his fellow men), saying, ‘You shall not lack a man to be ruler in Israel(America).’ (19) “But if you turn away and forsake My statutes and My commandments(righteousness over death) which I have set before you(Obama and your fellow men), and go and serve other gods(perversions and false guilt) and worship them(by doing & obsessing them), (20) then I will uproot you(Obama and your fellow associates) from My land(America) which I have given you(Obama and fellow Americans), and this house(leadership) which I have consecrated(blessed and directed) for My name(God and His Covenant of love) I will cast out(reject your self-righteousness) of My sight and I will make it a proverb and a byword among all peoples(of the world). (21) “As for this house(leadership), which was exalted(to the presidency), everyone who passes by it will be astonished and say, ‘Why has the LORD done thus to this land(America) and to this house(leadership)?’ (22) “And they will say, ‘Because they(Obama and fellow associates) forsook the LORD, the God of their forefathers who brought them(America) from the land of Egypt(rulership of [English] tyranny), and they adopted other gods(tyranny self-deceptions) and worshiped them and served them(under deceptive bondages); therefore He(God) has brought all this adversity(results of sin & perversion) on them(leadership and those who did nothing or followed).'” {NASB bible version ~ROliverLuce}


Syria: Russia’s Growing Mature Leadership in World Affairs

by R Oliver Luce | 09-01-2013

Let us do the right thing!  For the first time Russia is showing more maturity and leadership in the world than America can ever hope to show with Liberal-progressive leadership in control at almost every level of government.   [However, 2010 changes a lot of this dictatorial climate with many conservative governors and state legislators being elected overwhelmingly.]

LETS AT LEAST acknowledge that the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad of Syria, though he is not an American ally, “has protected Christians for a number of decades.**” And yet our President immature is asking Americans to support Islamic rebels who by their very religion is not a religion of peace and are murdering Christians who are like us, Christians who began these United States of America.

**Ran Paul


Jobs & Lawlessness Which Leads To Less

Summary of some topics:

(1) Increasing jobs through less government and here’s how!
(2) Enforce our laws and execute our current LEGAL immigration system.
(3) Keep government out of the private sector as much as possible.
(4) Encourage the real Christian churches to lead the rest of the nation in reducing the national debt.
(5) Control increased government regulation to a minimum based on measures.

Preamble or introduction:

This statement is not here for the sake of simply being heard with no intentions of doing anything from anyone about these input entries. It is not here so you will feel good and report back to us that we all agree with your agenda. It is not here so bolster your agenda. It is not here so you can implement something else while reporting to us you had millions of Americans having their say in the process.


Growing jobs is important. Not that we should only be interested in our pocket-books. But it’s a start in the right direction to heal this land.

Growing the private sector (in capitalism) is the best way for job  increases.  Capitalism is the best system. For both communism and eventual-communism (socialism) will not change people’s hearts nor will force.  So it’s imperative real Christianity comes back again as in the 1700’s 1800’s early 1900’s!  It’s IMPERATIVE THIS HAPPENS!   Encouraging Christianity to grow through humility, graciousness , love will reduce vices without yelling hell about it and helping the poor will change people and make the best system on earth great again, i.e. capitalism.  But adding to this the current “real” Christian churches (most of them) could forsake willingly their 501c3 IRS code and lead the way for the rest of the country by example in reducing our national debt.  This must be done willingly and not by force or it will only bring about more evil even in the churches.

As for gaysex and gay marriage the church could tone down saying it’s a sin at the level of what they say about intercourse outside of marriage. This should be acceptable to a non-Christian President Obama and homosexuals as well. So we should be able to move forward in encouraging the real Christian churches in a 3rd national reformation which would benefit our economy and an increase in jobs, will it not?

I am betting the value of our currency will increase over the long run when this happens at the same time government quits interfering as much as possible. There has to be a certain measure probably in justifying an invention of government. What I mean by that is a justification of new regulation. It should be expected that there will always be harm and unfairness, and accidents in life. The principle to adhere to is LIFE WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE FAIR, but justice is!

Getting the government out of the private sector will also mean higher wages in the long run if government does not entice large companies to beg for a flood of foreign workers in their respective industries. Searching and training Americans is always the best way in the long run. We also get to keep our own culture too!

More importantly, job growth will occur when we enforce our laws and execute our current LEGAL immigration system. This means deporting law-abiding illegals (who may say they are) in order to help them stay that way. If they still want to come back to America they can get in line with those who are waiting LEGALLY.
The LEGAL Immigration job is to screen for character/behavior, educate immigrants the culture and language of our country. And also to educate how important American law is to the individual.

Allowing illegals into the country either by not enforcing, by a weak border, by enticing with benefits will only serve to increase lawlessness for us all. As the leadership goes, so goes the people of any country whether communist or capitalist. Evil spreads from leadership and what they allow.
To allow or entice illegals will always open the floodgates.

Finally, when illegals are gone, Americans will take up the slack in picking fruit and veggies as it was in President Eisenhower’s era where wages were good and competition was great for the family farmer.
The time for slave wages is now OVER!
Even the children of illegals must be deported or it will not work in staving off illegal flooding.
Left was never meant to be fair, but justice is. Let us enforce our laws and keep our integrity.

~R. Oliver Luce
To allow or entice illegals will always open the floodgates.

** Reference:


Legalizing Illegals Is NOT the Way to Save Our Economy. ‘Legal’ is the American Way

By R.Oliver Luce | 07-18-2013 | Edited 08-12-13

[Illegal immigration is NOT legal immigration. Let America help these people stay law-abiding in sending them back, that they might be a help to their own country, or a help to America through legal means.]

Senator John McCain, senator Marco Rubio, life was never meant to be fair, only justice is! Americans can pick fruit and veggies again with American wages, given a “Presidential Ike environment” once again!! Not as racism, but as in American wages. Keep this in your pipe and smoke it if you disagree.

We have ALL become a lawless people, a lawless land where foreigners will soon be flooding our land (in chain like fashion) and we will be no more. Economic success can still be achieved without illegal slave wages and labor! Don’t believe this lie, our God has helped our forefathers before us! Stop this madness today senators and representatives! Economic success isn’t the only factor to be considered. In fact a country can achieve economic success without always having to have a “growing” population!  A stable balanced population yes!

Where is our legal immigration system that screens and educates our culture to those aliens who want in LEGALLY? Where is the controls so our country may even help and inspire other nations to aspire to greatness? Stop this madness!

Asking 25+million aliens into our nation illegally “IS” like asking another person to run over you without recourse! Why are we hell-bent on rushing and encouraging lawlessness. We are pushing illegal people into lawlessness by our own lawless deeds. They aren’t even screened! They are taking jobs! They are lowering pay scales! They are bringing in their own language & to hell with English (I see this!!). They are flooding in and more will follow until we CAN NO LONGER HELP OTHERS…  A Republic for which we can no longer help other nations reach their full potential through substance and spiritual inspiration & assistance!!

Simply letting in illegal aliens as it stands is going to further endanger our country!

The Law, what it is, and what is its function:

(1) As creatures of habit, the law was created to help humans do right habitually.
(2) The law is meant to keep honest men honest, punish those given to lawlessness, and to shut the mouths of gainsayers. In all 3 cases we are failing nationally and we are in danger of failing as an organized society. It’s no wonder Obama may be planning marshal law perhaps.
(3) If we all obey the law today, there is hope we all shall obey the law tomorrow. Grace is [only] for empowerment to do what is right, to encourage the wise to stay wise, and punish the “lawless” who practice lawlessness habitually.

[Illegal immigration is NOT legal immigration. Let America help these people stay law-abiding in sending them back, that they might be a help to their own country, or a help to America through legal means.]


America’s Current Legal Immigration System. Use it, Kill the Illegal Immigration Bill

America’s Current Legal Immigration System. Use it, Kill the Illegal Immigration Bill:

Enforce the CURRENT Legal Immigration System with TEETH. The system Obama forgot about.
Use it and forget the Senate Immigration Bill. Just kill it please!
FORCE the Government to do it or be in contempt with congress with teeth to show!

The LAWS currently waiting to be enforced:

(1) Finish building border fence & defend it like President Dwight D. Eisenhower (Ike)did with 1075 agents alone. If Israel is able to build and stop 95% of illegals from running amuck. We can be sure of success for ourselves. We even went to the moon as the dishonorable Algore has referred to, as well. Yes indeed [digressing into another subject here] we went to the moon but Manmade Global Climate Change is a lie, end of story.

(2) Permanently STOP all FED & State handouts & services to illegals & enforce it with real impunity.

(3) Support a system for checks on who is (and) who is not legal to work. And enforce real fines, in dollars, for firms who does sneak-hiring of illegal slaves. This will assist in bringing back Americans to the farms. Why? Wages will return, if THIS IS ENFORCE consistently. Wages will not go up until there is consistency. A Liberal-Government will preempt this and shut it down stating wages are going up. This is an attack on America by liberal control.

(A commentary): Liberalism could be outlawed as was communism in days of old, if enough people could see that we have enough freedom of thought to debate on, without the evils of liberalism per say. But it may be wise not to outlaw liberalism as we know it today. But at the least we must educate and allow them to reveal themselves for who they are and what they do to the country. But of course it can only occur when good people keep on seeking righteousness in a godly manner and not as self centered individuals. American individualism is not what I’m talking about here! That is a different animal!

(4) After the above 3 items are in effect re-initiate on-going deportations [Not to be confused with the honorable John McCain’s characterization of ‘MASS DEPORTATIONS ARE IMPOSSIBLE’] for all illegals and foreign entrants who accidently let their temporary-tickets expire and decided to hide out. When deporting we do it with customer service at all times. Tough love never hurts a well meaning illegal. For he will love you when you deport him. In doing so, you assist them to stay a law abiding person. Political reasons for ‘sneaking in’ should be investigated for sure. Deportations will bring back the normal America family farm wages from which it fell more than 50% due to illegal slave wages in our country.

(5) Finally but not least of all. Let us give support to Mexico and other countries to the south that need assistance from a national position of strength. We can not survive as a lawless nation if we continue to break our own laws, move the boundaries of our laws around and not enforce our laws as well.

(A commentary): This also means sending troops to our southern nations in quelling the drug war without giving any of these drug enemies any weapons! Our current president should go to prison on this matter alone!  Of course we’ve already helped Columbia with their drug terrorists.


Lawlessness in WH: Time To Save The Republic & Enforce Our Laws

Lawlessness in the Whitehouse: Time is Now To Save The Republic & Enforce Our Laws

Something has to be done about illegal immigration! Liberal-Whitehouse lawlessness is NOT the answer. If President Dwight D. Eisenhower (Ike) with 1,075 border agents could deport a couple of million illegals in a couple of years and closing the border for all other illegals pouring in around 1956, so can we as well. What we have here is leadership obsessed and given to the politics of convenience and false GUILT!
In addition these leaders are also motivated from the real possibility of a strict agenda of pushing the nation into an unreasonable over-regulated utopian communist state for which I’ll treat in another article later.

Project “Wetback” saved American farm family wages (1950’s) when this happen. It was discovered illegals were being paid HALF of what Americans were getting in TEXAS alone! Those were SLAVE wages. Re-start DEPORTATION for ALL evil & nice illegals to assist them in staying that way; STAYING LEGAL. When a Government gives out candy to illegals MORE WILL COME; Yes Mr. Obama, if you build it they will come. But as you go to jail someday for not doing your job with an evil intent your actions will become a byword. You promised to defend our laws and our constitution, but you chose not. If our leadership will deport illegals consistently, even evil people will RESPECT our Republic, much less good people who will benefit obeying. For the wise [people] will love you when thy are corrected!

[A thought: However it is possible a nation can be so deprived that it may be impossible to find any wise in that country!]

Illegal aliens will appreciate American culture much more so if they have to wait in line, as anyone else including their own Latino peers. There are many Latinos who DO appreciate what lawlessness does to all of us. We are ALL creatures of habit; We’re either slowly ‘slippery-sliding’ into a seemingly innocent-evil, or we are working and encouraging & inspiring each other to climb higher to do what is good which is our destiny; A destiny to glorify God, not our egos! We cannot afford to relent to what is convenient. Convenience is only for the mundane experiences in life or for certain safety situations. Wisdom is the guide here!!

We can not survive as a nation when we believe we can let laws slide and simply wink so as to take advantage of situations for ourselves, as for mere votes or profit, much less against others. It will come back to BITE and bite HARD on the national level; An eventual-lawless nation looking much more evil than today’s Mexican Drug Republic!! Where the leaders go, so goes the people diving into lawlessness and a careless national attitude. Are we there NOW? It will get worse!

Any nation will always have ONE culture, ONE language, and ONE society. America is no different if it’s to survive long term. As for illegals appreciating our national culture, I’m seeing it now, almost all illegals do NOT appreciate our American ‘Melting-Pot’ culture. Instead they are telling each other how to beat the system and lie between themselves. I hear it!! Are these nice illegal law abiding people who might be citizens soon without proper vetting and without proper education? And oh yeah, they’ll tell you, “they do love American culture”. Right!! Actions speak louder than words!! They bring their own culture and their own language and their own perceived morals.
[An old proverb: When in Rome do as the Romans do, and remember all cultures are not equal]
Also our English language is fast becoming a nuisance to them! They sit around the TV and watch and listen to Spanish/Mexican languages and do not show any interest in speaking English with their other Latino friends who do.

America is NOT the United States of Mexico. 🙂 And we are NOT going to be, God help us! As for helping Mexico. We do it from a position of STRENGTH, financial and moral strength. We will NOT give weapons to any one drug gang for INTEL. If we need too, we send troops to end it all with Mexico’s troops. Period, we can not ignore Mexico when successfully dealing with illegals. It can be done. If not, then we are a miserable group with wicked leaders! God help us!


Knowing the Difference Between Helping & Enabling People in Homosexual Behavior

Knowing the difference between helping and enabling people given to homosexual behavior.


It’s plain and simple! Homosexuals have been humiliated and despised instead being shown the love of God in a reasonable matter! The gay behavior of sex must instead be despised as reprobate behavior and NOT the person!

For these people (even if they despise the love) need to know they are still loved by the Lord, and specially through Christians who seriously know GOD and HIS character. Not only is God the God of love, as HE has shown through sending HIS “arm of love (Jesus)” to seal the deal on HIS covenant of love. HE is also the God of justice for sure! How else would HE ever judge the world if HE were NOT?

Our problem as humans is we HATE accountability and justice when it’s directed at us! But if we embrace justice for ourselves with HIS power, then we LOVE wisdom and from wisdom we will prosper in everything we do.

The person given to the obsession of homosexualism must be shown love and when acceptable be willing to enable them back to health. The darkness of homosexual behavior can not be enabled in the name of helping people to health and acceptance. It will only lead to further deprivation and darkness to the core. Assisting & accepting them where they are is a good start on the road to complete recovery. God is great in empowering us to victory towards Holiness (completeness in God).

Finally: One of the results of allowing and enabling homosexual behavior in our society is the excuse why not allow homosexuals to re-define the word “marriage?” After all, almost everyone is getting divorced! This line of logic should tell us we are all knowingly “missing the mark” in the face of God as if “we can care less!”  America is headed for doom someday if we can’t stop this and help each other now!

Financially speaking society can not survive when morals decay. History shows this and if a society fails to see the wisdom in helping people, instead of enabling them in their VICES, trouble is yet to come, for it will come as a robber in the night suddenly. To redefine marriage (for the first time in the history of the world) is enabling this behavior causing more harm to themselves and society! The robber will appear suddenly in the night (so to speak). Our great country and even it’s financial empire with all of its corporations and stock values, will suffer greatly in due season if we do not respond to this threat of “our” sin and lawlessness in our land!


This inadvertent Motley Fool contributor RobOliverLuce has no position in any stocks mentioned.

You can follow him on Twitter @ROliverLuce and by NO means is he associated or works for Motley Fool Financial.


Venture Capital: Israel is Amazing the World with Enemies All Around [v3]

Venture Capital: Israel is Amazing the World with Enemies All Around  [Version 3]
By R.OliverLuce | April 26, 2013

For years Israel has been known for being the most innovative & creative country on earth and spitting out many inventions.

One invention one can easily think of, is their portable “Iron Dome” anti-missile system to render Islamic terrorist’s wild eyed rockets almost harmless! Wild eyed, because they would always yell and scream “god is great” when attempting to kill any non-Muslims like their most hated enemy, the Jews of the land of Israel! And of course the Jews are well known for their desire to do and create. For the Jews are for the most part a God fearing nation!


But what’s this? American companies and investors are tripping over themselves in grabbing a piece of Israel’s so-called startup success?

According to an article in Yahoo Business Insider there are at least 24 startup programs taking advantage of the hot Tel Aviv business environment! Some even by Microsoft and Google as reported, wow! Yikes, it LQQKs like every American Venture Capitalist has at least one Israeli startup it it’s portfolio or so it’s reported by Yahoo Business Insider writer Julie Bort! Is this right? Someone investigate! Israel can’t be this exciting. After all, Obama love Muslims and detests Israel, right, lol?

But wait, do we need an investigation? With 4,800 startups showing and 700 being venture capitalized out without any bootstrapping.  Israel is being labeled the “Startup Country” of the world.

Well, Julie Bort along with Mr. Weisfeld breaks down the startups like this:

* Israel culture breeds business people to take risks. Maybe a God has something to do with this. It isn’t low taxes for sure. Just think what would happen if taxes were LOW in Israel!

* Israelis speak their mind? What’s this? Maybe it’s that they all know each other and able to communicate with each other. Not here in America, lol, where we spend a lot of time walking in guilt.

* Israel has many world classic engineering schools. Ok, this is good. What’s wrong with America? Ah, we’ve thrown out God and now no one has the desire to excel except to complain! Oh God(help us)!

* Ah, military service! Everyone has to serve and it puts the fear of God into you. America doesn’t do that anymore. Too bad for us.

* Israel is a big attraction for research and development in the semiconductor world! Ok, that’s great. Israel is attracting somebody for good reason. Or maybe it’s simply America loosing it’s luster and pushing research & development overseas as Israel the primary target.

This country of Israel is a good bet for business and investment. It’s a land of people who are still in love with their country and are firmly united. Yes, they have their flaws which don’t seem to be fatal as what’s happening in America today! This is good soil for business. America would be better off to take notice and take another hard look at their “Godly heritage” for real; Divided we fall!

So, can we afford to gut this golden goose [Israel] just to appease the likes of Islam? Israel seems to be a good bet for the future! Who cares if there are one and one half billion Muslims. Love & assist the people but hate the behavior for the long run. Let’s not enable Islam to continue to attack Israel as is, but let us educate with the God of real logic and truth.

Business is good for families everywhere! REWARD what God has brought; Throw money at great potential and help those who are given to destruction, and NEVER enable evil to destroy what is successful. Israel seems to be a wonder for the future!

“Why US Companies Are Drooling Over Israel’s Amazing Startup Scene” -Julie Bort:

Referenced Industry links:

Israeli Startup Map of whoseWho and whose hiring:

Battery Ventures:


Microsoft [MSFT]:

Google [GOOG]:


* Disclaimer: This inadvertent Yahoo Financial Business Insider contributor RobOliverLuce has no position in any stocks mentioned.  You can follow him on Twitter @ROliverLuce and by NO means is he associated or works for Yahoo Financial Business Insider.


Myth of the Moderate Muslim & the Effect On Finances?

The Myth of the Moderate Muslim & the Effect On Finances?
By R.OliverLuce | April 23, 2013

It is said that Islam is a religion of peace.  And first off, it must be said, that there are those who will disagree with what I’m about to reveal in this article.  What I have written is contradicted by those who cheer for Islam and the moderate Muslim!  Mainly it’s those on the LEFT who believe and do openly support the leadership of Islam and the Moderate Muslim in America & in the West overall.  For Islam does keep on stating their desire to live in peace and never ever want to take over a country like the United States and deny the people their rights and freedoms!  Well, there you have it.  Will the Moderate Muslim really rule the day and recant the teachings of the Quran and Sharia? Will they truly show the way to true Muslim love and peace without following the Quran and Sharia?  Time will tell whether or not we might need to deport and defend our liberties in the future!

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Moderate Muslims are people who follow & obey the teachings from the Quran and Sharia Law.  If Sharia Law has not been instituted yet in the foreign country the Moderate Muslim might find himself in, they are expected to push, shove, & use the host country’s laws against it, in order to install Sharia.

This is the beginning of one of their prong attacks (so-called peace method of attack of their 3-prongs) in taking over the host country.  The United States will not be the financial leader in the world any longer when Islam begins their slow take-over using American freedoms to institute their sharia law and ultimately their culture.  Islamic culture will tear the constitution apart, and it will prevent people to NOT freely and morally to develop financially again as we know it.  Islam by it’s very nature is evil and destructive centering on dictates from their religion of hate.  Women for one will not be allowed to become entrepreneurs.  And Islam does not have any interest in American financial institutions as such.  Islam by it’s very nature is a political system supported by a religion that is against financial businesses as we know in the West.  Financial success in the West is based on Christian morals which Islam will never sustain.  For one, it’s a dictatorship by it’s, yes, very nature!

The free-financial capitalist dream America has enjoyed was a direct result of Christianity in America during the 1700’s and the 1800’s.  It was also the reason why South Korea surged so dramatically from the 1970’s until today. It was the overwhelming surge in people becoming Christians which allowed the fantastic financial development that has occurred in that country!  Look at all the high technology & car companies in South Korea!

Usually the Moderate Muslim will have no inclination for violence at all, and will not claim it’s (the violence) righteousness in public to non-Muslims.   But they are instructed to embrace the full-truth from the Quran and Sharia, especially in taking over the country they are residing in, and to lie to their non-Muslim hosts.  But of course, it’s a sin to lie to another Muslim.  At any rate, it is written, that once a single Muslim happens to step onto a foreign nations soil, it now and must belong to Allah in due time. Along with this teaching, all non-Muslims must be converted to Islam with no exceptions in the long run.

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This inadvertent Motley Fool contributor RobOliverLuce has no position in any stocks mentioned.  You can follow him on Twitter @ROliverLuce and by NO means is he associated or works for Motley Fool Financial.


Rubio says We won’t Deport nor Give Amnesty. It’s Wrong, Here’s Why!

America must deport over the next 15 years with good reason.

At the National Republican Convention, Rubio reports Romney will not deport illegals nor will he give amnesty either.
THIS is not fair to millions of LEGAL immigrants who also happen to be Mexicans and Chinese as well.

We are NOT a lawless nation. We must STOP slave wages in America now! This is where government is at it’s best when they deal with encouraging competition in the economy, but this time in the arena of farming and producing.

Americans again will work for American farmers and producers for the first time in 60 years with legal and living wages that can support American families.

Americans are more than able to absorb the increase costs from legal living wages! However, American competition (NOT from illegal immigrant labor camps) will place prices where they should be from the American farmers and producers who will be competing! This is America, this is NOT Mexico. America is a competing nation making the nation’s economy stronger than socialism will ever be able to do.

Illegal is as illegal as a socialist (eventual communist) is Obama, it’s WRONG!



Again, It’s NOT about the Children, Obama! But There is a Better Solution to Illegal Children

To Fox News, to our congressmen, to our President, and to those who care about saving our Republic. I am writing to explain why we must not support this most recent illegal action by the president!!

1. False passions dealing with illegals.
2. Upholding the Constitution and our Laws.
3. Motives for action in what is good for America.
4. Assisting other countries from a position of strength.
5. The deportation of illegals.
6. Turning children into political marbles.
7. Marco Rubio’s good faith solution for children of illegals.

We will soon, in the very near future, be unable to help any country from a position of strength. We are throwing our brains to the winds through guilt-ridden passions of the day being push by a liberal-guilt of sorts! Please, allow this American to explain!! I may not be the best writer in this era of cultural instability. But I have something to say with great passion that comes from my Creator whether you believe in Him or not!!

What has happen to law in this country? My immediate question is why do we have to SAY we ‘HAVE TO’ help 800k illegal children when, after all, it wasn’t their fault in coming to America? Wakeup, allow me to say this. It isn’t the fault of children worldwide to go hungry and not live in America, as if America were heaven, right? So why not LET the rest of THEM into America, why not?
But wait, don’t we have LEGAL immigration that controls how America grows with new immigrants coming into this country? Why can’t we continue on a lawful path of LEGAL IMMIGRATION? This also allows America to continue to help other nations from a position of strength! And may we do even MORE!

This is exactly how liberal-guilt works, it eats at the very fabric of our society and our laws. Liberal-guilt comes from attempting to solve problems from our own self centered interests, instead of from godly wisdom which usually comes from a Creator we once knew!! Liberal-guilt comes from a lawless nature where a people try to do righteous deeds in their own sight & strength instead of what might be the wise and good to do from a godly way [something higher than ourselves!]. Are we choosing life or are we choosing a life of self reliance that leads to this horrific liberal-guilt we see infecting America that’s ruining our culture of friendliness and godliness! This Liberal-Guilt called many things in other cultures but its basic problem is sin (missing the mark).

Finally, there is reason to control the flow of people into a nation. There is a reason why we protect our culture even from well meaning illegals for that matter. We are a nation of laws, so we can live in peace & prosperity and also (again) helping other countries from a real position of strength and power through our private & public institutions, missionaries, and churches.

What Obama has really done is to let in 800,000 illegal children into America as eventual-citizens which is nothing more than a political exercise for him and giving these poor children false hopes. This lawless president has again shown his inability to uphold the Constitution and the laws of our country.

And yes, America is able to deport 24 million illegals who can come back through legal means. That enablement is called time. Something like 3 to 10 years of time with fines to corporations who hire illegals for example. Americans is more than willing to work in the fields when growers give ‘living wages’ but not slave wages. And prosperous Americans are also more willing to pay for ‘American market’ prices for picked fruit. Oh yes we can!! The deportation of illegals is a very real reality given TIME, our digital age, and rapid ways of moving among other things thousands of TROOPS for example! But did I say, time. Time is everything when deporting illegals and law breakers. I have seen for myself these young illegals who are scamming in breaking laws with the help from some of our liberal elements of our society. To enforce will bring the fear of God into our laws. We are a nation of laws that we might survive.

This President is doing all of us a disfavor. He is not defending the Constitution and the laws of this nation. We truly have a revolution on our hands with many people still believing in a President who leads by guilt, division, and dependency. This evil has infected our land!!

Marco Rubio’s Real Solution to Immigration Reform Re: Illegal Children:


Marco Rubio’s Compromise is a Real Solution to Immigration Reform Re: Illegal Children!

For the first time I believe Marco Rubio is communicating a sane compromise for our overall immigration problem particularly dealing with the illegals in this country. For minor children only (who were minors when they came with their illegal parents), who to no fault of their own, will be given a certain legal break in a certain fashion after graduating from a high school so they can continue their studies.

The legal break for only these children will enable them to later go through the system for a green card as everyone else!! This is great. But it’s obvious in the article the Democrats want these illegals as voters and will OPPOSE Rubio’s compromising solution.

Rubio’s solution is a sane solution to an insane problem. We do not want illegals being used as voters for the Democratic Party to retain BIG-GOVERNMENT power nor continue our downward spiral towards lawlessness in our country!! Lawlessness and not enforcing our laws is a serious issue in our country today!!



Dems Teaching Illegals How To Circumvent The Law To Vote

[ LET IT BE KNOWN FROM NOW ON: No more slave labor prices from Liberal-inspired farmers. They should start paying living wages to living Americans & the rest of us should be willing to pay American-market prices for long range prosperity for all of us ]

It’s true we can’t prove Dems are outright showing illegals how to vote, but everyone knows their actions & agenda does aid in helping illegals to vote!
Nevertheless, the Democrats are teaching illegals to VOTE under guise of helping those who can’t afford a picture-ID to vote with.
The GOP and the Tea Party do want voter-ID so there is NO fraud, and forcing illegals to go to the back of the line behind their fellow Mexican ‘legals’!! Let it be known from now on Liberal-inspired American farmers must pay ‘living wages’ to Americans in picking fruit & etc., and the rest of us will be willing to pay American market driven prices for fruit & etc. as we should without justifying the current slave labor wages!! Slave labor wages ARE CRIMINAL!!

Yes it’s true; Liberals / Democrats do NOT want voter-ID so there is fraud in a round-about-way. And these same Liberals wish to continue slave labor wages which again are CRIMINAL!

For crying out loud, the [Liberal] Government gives goodies away every day! So why not give FREE picture-IDs to the so-called poor too, liberals? Why not, you justifying giving the STORE away to everyone else who are stuck on these handouts without any reasons for it! Come on, FREE picture-IDs for those who can PROVE they are Americans who can VOTE.

Now THINK people, THINK!! Those of you who love your BIG Evil Government god who you believe will save you from a coming judgment. Oh yeah, the jig is coming! And we are NOT talking global warming either.

In perspective: We have gone from preventing Black people from voting to the other extreme of allowing illegal people to vote under the guise of “Let everyone who is poor vote.” This is a cover-up lie to allow Demo-voters who are illegals from China & Mexico and beyond! It’s called a win-fall vote for Democrats who keep yelling in the media LOOK what we are doing for you illegals. The Media has become the STATE MEDIA. It’s time will come soon enough to be outlawed  (legally) for sure in due season.

Ref: http://t.co/gf3AUXO8


A Discussion on Islam with an Egyptian Student

Yesterday I had the chance to discuss Islam with an exchange student from Egypt who himself is Muslim. Yep, the children of Islam are brainwashed in believing Islam wants to leave Christians & Americans alone to their own devices, thinking, & religion. Muslims do not want to take over the earth & make everyone a Muslim. This poor high school kid from Egypt is telling American kids in our schools he and his religion are very peaceful and don’t want to even ask or persuade people to become Muslims!

Gosh, this poor kid is just that, a poor ignorant teenager :-(. And he’s telling me everything is wonderful in Egypt now!! Oh gosh again, the poor kid :-(.

Well, I got a wonderful chance to explain to him who and how Jesus comes from the Father God, our creator without much of a wrestling match between us. He was open to listening! But, his eyes did grow to became rather huge. He didn’t know. I really believe he thinks Jesus was only a wise human being who was ‘called’ God’s son. After all, most Muslims believe that and therefore say God has NO son! But our creator did create us and HE loves us so much HE sent His spoken Word, His arm of LOVE to earth in the form of flesh to show us the way and more importantly to SEAL a DEAL on HIS everlasting Covenant HE made with Abraham and all his descendants! That’s US, we are his spiritual & blood descendants, that’s ALL OF US in planet Earth!!! A Covenant God will never break!! Our very nature is sending ourselves to hell but we have a ticket where the righteous OVERLOOKS our sick sins and loves us through HIS Word(Jesus)!!


Rubio’s Illegals: Paying Off Hispanics Instead of Educating Why LAW is Crucial To A Nation’s Health & Survival

We must ONLY assist people like illegal immigrants from a ‘National Position of Strength’ instead. We cannot afford to caving in and setting a precedence of forgoing our national laws over our land! We set laws for good reasons and if we continue to be DOUBLE MINDED on this matter, it does spell doom for us eventually. We are but humans who live and breathe by habit in everything we do.

Rubio’s ‘DREAM’ amnesty for illegals is still illegal as it will eventually destroy a nation! This will yet again lead to more and more amnesties in the near future with millions and millions crowding out what are LEGAL immigration.

What we need to do is educate the rest of our LEGAL Hispanics the NEED to enforce the LAW (illegal is illegal) to save the respect for the LAW and save a nation from eventual destruction from lawlessness! Most Hispanics who are legal or citizens, KNOW the meaning of enforcing the LAW already!

Therefore, instead of yet another amnesty program for illegal law breakers, we need to help LEGAL immigration and educate illegals on how to get in line for legal immigration for them! And more importantly, let our nation assist in our missionaries and churches everywhere in helping such countries as Mexico who does need assistance. Additionally, to assist even the private institutions who send in help into countries such as Mexico!  For starters our Government could send in troops to finish off the Drug War that is forcing illegals into our country even by design in the Whitehouse!

If we do this, it will spell the doom to law-abiding Americans everywhere. We are a nation of laws. To allow this is to open the floodgates of excuses to a flood of lawlessness in our nation; we all at times have little excuses in wishing to get out of a fix when dealing with the LAW! We all would bend and ignore the law that is so full of injustice to our inconvenience! Oh gosh, oh the injustice? It’s already happening where we are losing respect for the law. When a President refuses to enforce the laws of the land, as he is currently doing it, it is a stark example of where we are headed NOW. This does affect the rest of the country. As the leaders go, so goes the people of any group or nation! Where does it STOP?? The slope is slippery when we are dealing with people and law.


Fox: EPA Spills the Agenda, Obama is Attempting to Crash American Energy

EPA apologies notwithstanding, the great Obama and the Liberal boys in congress ARE attempting to crash not only American energy but also the STATE itself! Just what is the Objective here? Obama told us he was going to fundamentally remake America! Remaking America into an eventual RED COMMUNIST STATE from a financial cliff that’s yet to happen? Is this it? Yeah, what’s Obama doing to CUT the debt spending, huh?

Well, what did we THINK when the White House agent, Van Jones, came out screaming I’m a COMMUNIST and Mr. Bush did the 9/11 deal? Oh brother! Oh, wait, I suppose Van Jones didn’t really scream he’s a communist, but we all got the point after he was let go from the pressure on Obama! He’s a self-proclaimed communist for real!

BUT what gives? What must happen next for ALL AMERICANS to wake up to this madness? Is there something we can do NOW, to arrest this illegal anti-America action on the part of Obama and the LIB-boys?? This is serious! This is not a time for hyperbolas in making a point, I’m making!!

Ref: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/04/26/epa-official-apologizes-for-call-to-crucify-oil-companies-senator-investigating/

Liberalism: From American Freedom to Wandering in Communist Deceit

“What share does God give from above?
What is the heritage from Shaddai [Lord] on high?
Isn’t it calamity to the unrighteous?
disaster to those who do evil [deceit]?
Doesn’t he see my ways
and count all my steps?

If I have gone along with falsehood [fake news],
if my feet have hurried to deceit;
then let me be weighed on an honest scale [truth],
so that God will know my integrity [or not].

If my steps have wandered from the way [godliness & honesty],
if my heart has followed my eyes,
if the least dirt [deceit] has stuck to my hands;
then let me sow and someone else eat,
let what grows from my fields be uprooted [removed from office].”

Reference: Job 31:2-8 {CJB version}

Saving America from Deceit and the Lies

Saving America from Deceit and the Lies

[America asking God to be rescued from those who are full of lies and deceit.
Calling on Adonai to rescue America from the deceit of Communism! Saving our President!]
[A Psalm from the Hebrew Bible!]

“I called to Adonai[01] in my distress,
and he answered me.
Rescue me, Adonai, from lips that tell lies,
from a tongue full of deceit.

What has he in store for you, deceitful tongue?
What more will he do to you?
A warrior’s sharp arrows,
with red-hot coals from a broom tree.

How wretched I am, that I’m an alien in Meshekh[02],
that I must live among the tents of Keidar[03]!
I have had to live far too long
with those who hate peace.
I am all for peace;
but when I speak, they are for war[04].”

~From the Psalms 120 {Complete Jewish Bible pg. 920} A song of ascents:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[01] Adonai
Adonai, a Hebrew name for God.[02] Meshekh a son of Japheth
A country perhaps! In the Bible, Meshech or Mosoch (Hebrew: מֶ֫שֶׁך‎ Mešeḵ “price” or “precious”) is named as a son of Japheth in Genesis 10:2 and 1 Chronicles 1:5.
[03] Keidar
In Biblical Names the meaning of the name Kedar is: Blackness, sorrow.
Keidar, dark-skinned, the second son of Ishmael ( Genesis 25:13 ). … To “dwell in the tents of Kedar” was to be cut off from the worship of the true God ( Psalms 120:5

[04] War!
A cultural war within the nation!

Here “lies” the Truth for Muslims Worldwide

Here “lies” the truth! For Muslims are full of Taqiya in dealing with us who are NON-MUSLIMS !!

The Arabs (Muslims) have been ENRAGED since the dawn of Mohammad failed to garner his self-made religion and began adding his political dictates in the so-called latter (2nd) Quran. YES, the Quran is made up of TWO, 2 Qurans. But the real HOLY BOOK is the Hadith that depicts Mohammad’s traditions and the Sira which describes Mo’s LIFE and TIMES. From these 2 latter books, the Muslims get their own personal and public Jihads to bear on their lives.

ALL Muslims must adhere to this. Otherwise, Muslims kill other Muslims because they do not live the “LIE of Allah”. This is the truth of Islam.

HERE IS THE OUT-COME OF North Korea’s Threats

HERE IS THE OUT-COME OF North Korea’s Threats {Trump is gaming the poor kid, WATCH & SEE.}

N.K. won’t nuke anybody.

Mr. Trump is simply catching that poor child’s GOAT and when he so much as fly a paper airplane towards the Pacific with a TEST H-bomb, China will lay the hammer down and Gingrich WILL SHOOT THE PLANE DOWN carrying the bomb. END OF STORY 🙂


Liberal Media Lies: The Great Charlottesville Riot by White Supremacists?

{Edited by Rob Luce 08-14-17}

Great details [are] coming in from the Charlottesville Riot from Stevie Glockenheim!
But as for myself, I do have 2 questions about Gary’s article:
We should always list sources at the bottom of which at least one should be noted.
And who are the WHITE GUYS with the helmets, Shields, & bats who were seen in the violent videos?
We must stop the gainsaying from these liberals, Soros, the Obamas & the Lib-media if we are to succeed in bringing out the truth and stopping the N.W.O. Dictatorship!

As for the massive incoming suits!
Don’t sue the city. Sue just the Governor, the Mayor and their cohorts period! After which we then sue BLM & Antifa with no ifs, and’s, & but’s.

2 References follow.
– – – – – – – – – –
Posted by Stevie Glockenheim on Facebook
{Reposting Gary Grumpelt’s posting (article)}

[*The article follows*]
White supremacists? Really? Here are the vetted facts and what REALLY happened in Charlottesville, VA:
People protesting the removal of our Confederate Monuments (American History) got a permit to protest at 10:00. Now, let’s not forget they had to take it to top Va State District Court to get their 1st Amendment right acknowledged and permit from the City & State!

Early yesterday morning Antifa [ANTIFA] members, as well as BLM [Black Lives Matter], were being flown and bused in from around the country. (We all know who paid their way there [Soros]).

At 8:45 am Va Governor & Charlottesville Mayor, who didn’t want the Confederate Monument protesters there, to begin with, sends police in to cancel a protest that hadn’t even started. They forced the protesters out in the streets to a waiting mob of Antifa-fa and BLM. The police were given orders to stand down and let the protesters be attacked.

This was a set up by the Virginia governor to take away protesters 1st amendment rights. [Continue to read why]
It doesn’t matter what the protesters had to say. They had a right to say it all.

Here is what really happened in VA today from a friend who was there and nothing of the truth actually made it to the media, so they made up much of the crap you’re spoon fed tonight yet people continue to believe the media …!
and since our [liberal-Democrat] media is completely, and utterly incapable of reporting with honesty and transparency [as during the 2016 election]:
*-The Alt Right organized a peaceful assembly in Charlottesville called Unite the Right.
*-The organizers lawfully obtained a permit to host this event.
*-Wes Bellamy, the Vice-Mayor of Charlottesville, illegally revoked the permit for this event. Wes Bellamy is a known
Leftist and is affiliated with the Black Panther Party, a Black supremacist organization.
*-The ACLU successfully sued Charlottesville for violating the First Amendment, and a Federal judge ruled that the permit must be reinstated and the right to assemble honored.
*-Unite the Right was scheduled to take place at 12:00 pm today. At 11:30 am, a heavily militarized police force illegally shut down the event, physically assaulting peaceful protesters with batons and tear gas. Several people were illegally arrested.
*-While evacuating, many protesters were illegally [attacked] by counter-protesters from Antifa and Black Lives Matter as the police stood by and did nothing. Antifa and BLM members were recorded throwing bricks at people, using pepper spray, and throwing Molotov cocktails and tear gas.
*-An Antifa maggot drove his car straight in to a crowd of people, killing at least one. The state of Virginia declared a state of emergency with the National Guard on standby, and Charlottesville became the #1 news story in the world.
*-The lying media intentionally portrayed this all in a way to make it look like the peaceful protesters were the perpetrators of the violence, rather than the victims, despite [substantial] video evidence to the contrary.
*-This was an enormous breach of everyone’s First Amendment rights, and a violent police-state suppression of free speech that is now being hidden by the lying media.

[The next comment is simply an anguished opinion by the author because of the evil:] MvAwful needs to hang by the neck [until] dead.
[ BUT there will be massive lawsuits forth coming!] And, a LOT of lawsuits are incoming, stay tuned!
[*End of reference article*]

[ Let’s don’t sue the city! Sue just the VA-Governor, the Mayor and their cohorts, period! After which there MUST be a suit against BLM & Antifa (ANTIFA) without pulling any punches! ~Rob Luce ]

– – – – – – – – – –
Reference notes:

[ Facebook notes from Glen Dunn. ]
I am not the author of this [the demonstration] but it needs to be seen.
“I am a citizen of Charlottesville and yesterday was a horrible day for my city.

The news outlets have it all wrong. This whole march was started by the city’s vice mayor and the city council. The vice mayor who is a racist black man ( google Wes Bellamy and read his hate statements towards white people and women) who decided to try to make a name for himself by removing a historical statue of Robert E Lee. He wants to erase history.

After the citizens of Charlottesville voiced their opinion that the statue should stay Wes Bellamy kept pushing the issue. These are the facts. This has nothing to do with Trump.

Wes Bellamy and the city council brought this mess upon our city. Race relations here have been set back 60 years. BLM is to the black community as the KKK is to the white community. Hate is what it is. Hate has no color, hate has no political belief. There is hate on both sides, yesterday proved that”…Mike King, Charlottesville resident.

Hopefully, charges will be brought on Governor McCauliffe and the Mayor of Charlottesville for yanking their legally obtained permit purposely and encouraging the violence which led to this woman’s death.

I do not agree on anyway with the heinous White Supremacists, however, they have the right to peacefully protest under the 1st Amendment.

Antifa and BLM were shipped in to specifically incite violence. Yet another Saul Alinsky tactic perpetrated by the Left [and Soros]. They have blood on their hands as this was a setup.
[VERY IMPORTANT] McCauliffe was asked on camera 4 times to denounce Antifa and BLM and he would not! He is an epic [failure as a State Governor] POS!” [ As for ‘POS’ we still can boldly come against evil without speaking as evil liberals do quite well.]

[*End of Notes*]

Liberal Media ABC Pushing to Divide illegal alien families with Fake News

by @ROliverLuce | 07-19-17

America DOES NOT DEPORT an illegal alien (father of 4) without deporting the entire family also.
The reason for deporting entire family? Illegal alien father has a responsibility to his wife and children!
The reason for deporting all illegal aliens? Enforcing American law and preserving the Constitution and the American social structure of one nation, with one language, with one social structure, and with borders for protection and enforcement.

Yet more evidence of Liberal Media supporting anti-American values. Today’s example, ABC News pushing of the UN support for the New World Order (world government) with this account of more anti-American propaganda through fake news!

Of course, President Trump would over-rule if the entire family IS NOT DEPORTED with the illegal father.

ABC Fake News Reference:
ABC News Article: Ohio father of 4 bids farewell before deportation to Mexico

Islam is the Problem & Liberal CNN Hosts Continues to Contribute to This Problem!

~@ROliverLuce | 06-05-17

Regarding the London Bridge Attack: CNN Host Calls Trump a ‘Piece of S—‘ for [Trump’s] Response to Terror Incident?  But Islam “IS” the problem!

Let us remember CNN and their News Hosts are liars given to the Democrats and elite Republican’s project of stealing the 2016 election from the American people by registering millions of illegals!

Let’s remember CNN and other so-called “mainstream media” were lying to the American people for decades in advancing their New World Order by destroying American’s borders, culture, and society for a borderless world with a worldwide Islamic dictatorship!

How can a CNN host be allowed to trash the President of the United States for speaking the truth about Islam?  Calling President Trump a “piece of shit” is outrageous making the host himself look terrible!! The TRUTH does STAND, for the truth is self-evident in this regard!

News Article:
London Bridge Attack: CNN Host Calls Trump a ‘Piece of S—‘ for Response to Terror Incident

@ACLU @TedWheeler The Very Nature of Islam is Why The Constitution Exists!

~@ROliverLuce | 05-30-17

ACLU says: Oregon’s Mayor Ted Wheeler is simply attempting to stop Pro-Trump and Anti-Sharia rallies because the Mayor and the ACLU say they are ‘Unconstitutional.’
The Constitution opposes the very nature of Islam which is why THE CONSTITUTION exists!

Both the ACLU & Mayor are wrong and they KNOW IT!

The Constitution opposes the very nature of Islam and every Muslim who is supposed to practice Mohammad’s life and traditions per the Hadith & the Sira.

For Muslim to BE MUSLIMS is to model Mohammad, and that includes getting rid of people who follow the American Constitution.


News Article:
ACLU Of Oregon: Mayor’s Attempt To Stop Pro-Trump, Anti-Sharia Rallies Is ‘Unconstitutional.’