
Lawlessness in WH: Time To Save The Republic & Enforce Our Laws

Lawlessness in the Whitehouse: Time is Now To Save The Republic & Enforce Our Laws

Something has to be done about illegal immigration! Liberal-Whitehouse lawlessness is NOT the answer. If President Dwight D. Eisenhower (Ike) with 1,075 border agents could deport a couple of million illegals in a couple of years and closing the border for all other illegals pouring in around 1956, so can we as well. What we have here is leadership obsessed and given to the politics of convenience and false GUILT!
In addition these leaders are also motivated from the real possibility of a strict agenda of pushing the nation into an unreasonable over-regulated utopian communist state for which I’ll treat in another article later.

Project “Wetback” saved American farm family wages (1950’s) when this happen. It was discovered illegals were being paid HALF of what Americans were getting in TEXAS alone! Those were SLAVE wages. Re-start DEPORTATION for ALL evil & nice illegals to assist them in staying that way; STAYING LEGAL. When a Government gives out candy to illegals MORE WILL COME; Yes Mr. Obama, if you build it they will come. But as you go to jail someday for not doing your job with an evil intent your actions will become a byword. You promised to defend our laws and our constitution, but you chose not. If our leadership will deport illegals consistently, even evil people will RESPECT our Republic, much less good people who will benefit obeying. For the wise [people] will love you when thy are corrected!

[A thought: However it is possible a nation can be so deprived that it may be impossible to find any wise in that country!]

Illegal aliens will appreciate American culture much more so if they have to wait in line, as anyone else including their own Latino peers. There are many Latinos who DO appreciate what lawlessness does to all of us. We are ALL creatures of habit; We’re either slowly ‘slippery-sliding’ into a seemingly innocent-evil, or we are working and encouraging & inspiring each other to climb higher to do what is good which is our destiny; A destiny to glorify God, not our egos! We cannot afford to relent to what is convenient. Convenience is only for the mundane experiences in life or for certain safety situations. Wisdom is the guide here!!

We can not survive as a nation when we believe we can let laws slide and simply wink so as to take advantage of situations for ourselves, as for mere votes or profit, much less against others. It will come back to BITE and bite HARD on the national level; An eventual-lawless nation looking much more evil than today’s Mexican Drug Republic!! Where the leaders go, so goes the people diving into lawlessness and a careless national attitude. Are we there NOW? It will get worse!

Any nation will always have ONE culture, ONE language, and ONE society. America is no different if it’s to survive long term. As for illegals appreciating our national culture, I’m seeing it now, almost all illegals do NOT appreciate our American ‘Melting-Pot’ culture. Instead they are telling each other how to beat the system and lie between themselves. I hear it!! Are these nice illegal law abiding people who might be citizens soon without proper vetting and without proper education? And oh yeah, they’ll tell you, “they do love American culture”. Right!! Actions speak louder than words!! They bring their own culture and their own language and their own perceived morals.
[An old proverb: When in Rome do as the Romans do, and remember all cultures are not equal]
Also our English language is fast becoming a nuisance to them! They sit around the TV and watch and listen to Spanish/Mexican languages and do not show any interest in speaking English with their other Latino friends who do.

America is NOT the United States of Mexico. 🙂 And we are NOT going to be, God help us! As for helping Mexico. We do it from a position of STRENGTH, financial and moral strength. We will NOT give weapons to any one drug gang for INTEL. If we need too, we send troops to end it all with Mexico’s troops. Period, we can not ignore Mexico when successfully dealing with illegals. It can be done. If not, then we are a miserable group with wicked leaders! God help us!