Liberalism Using Progressivism to Fool Progressive Conservative Americans

~R.OliverLuce | 10-15-14

The article: “A progressive majority in America? Why a Conservative America is a Myth?” Oh please! But please do read the following liberal article on their re-labeling directive (article).

After READING the article below, think about this:
I dare say most Americans are conservative (of which many don’t think about it at all) and they ALSO want to be progressive in terms of improving their lives within the Constitution of the United States without lawlessness. A Constitution that protects us from lawless legal-precedents too often used by and from Liberals who now think they can hoodwink Americans with a NEW term, “progressive” as if they have changed their WORLDVIEW back to believing in the Constitution!

What liberalism is doing is covering up their communist heritage by STEALING the term “progressive.” Let it be known Liberals are Liberal progressive wannabes as the rest of us are for the most part American Conservative-Progressives already.  So much for the WAR over terminology in fooling most of us who might be too busy to be wise.

Moreover, Liberal-progressivism is all about utopian-communism that results in forcing people and driving natural human incentives away bringing down self worth. Forced communist re-education never works. Communist mentality does not know the way of human nature nor does it know how to inspire and develop creativity. And this is because it’s enemy is freedom! Liberalism is [LIB]progressivism is utopianism is communism is… the way of death… as in the death panels… or as in Islamic beliefs… or as in a fool’s wise to deceive.

The reference to the Liberal re-labeling article and how you and I are really liberals:

Attorney General Eric Holder Explains Excuses for Spread of Lawlessness

by R.OliverLuce | 02-25-2014

[The special treatment & the proselytizing of homosexualism on America with the allowance of massive numbers of illegal foreigners will bring heavy judgment upon the United States of America if we the people fail to rise again!]

The United States Attorney General Eric Holder in a meeting with a group of Attorneys Generals from various states is saying that, “Any decision not to defend individual laws must be rare? Rare? And must be under ‘exceptional circumstances?’ There are? And furthermore he added , that challenges to ‘gay marriage bans’ would qualify as a circumstance?

Might I add, shall we educate an Attorney General that first there MUST be a change in law? A change in law that would allow homosexuals who want unions for tax and federal benefit reasons.

To create unions for the homosexual behavior would go along way toward retaining the definition of marriage as one man and one woman. To suggest that homosexual behavior can be included into the institution of marriage is to RE-DEFINE the meaning of MARRIAGE and thus make marriage constitutional. Constitutional? We all know that all MEN and all WOMEN including those who call themselves gay sexuals can marry without being denied. Everyone is able to marry if they choose the opposite sex. That is the definition of marriage! To open up the same sexes to unions, [who cannot have children and indulge in a sexual behavior that will never produce offspring], would take a creation that would allow a new class of behavior to unionize for tax and benefit reasons among the primary ones.

Therefore, marriage is for all humans who want to marry the opposite sex and those who want to indulge in behavior with the same sex must have their own rightful union that does not infringe the definition of marriage which is the foundation of society of which is now being attacked through godlessness.

This is the foundation to save marriage. If we can not save the definition of marriage as an institution with the inclusion of Homo Unions then this country is going to have a revolution. This kind of lawlessness by our leaders can not continue nor be tolerated. For lawlessness will lead to marshal law and that will lead to civil war with the destruction of all liberal forced institutions that run against our constitution that has been gainsaying many of Americans into believing the lies. Hopefully all Americans will wake up this year. For we have important elections in the fall of 2014.

Now with the acts of treason by President Obama and his NOT enforcing the laws and the borders of our nation, Eric Holder gives unconscionable excuses and the tearing down of definitions of words and terminologies that is leading to the deconstructing of society as we know it. We see how this is explained away. But for those of us who know what they are doing, all this will continue to be confronted. America was never meant to be degraded into perversion and lawlessness for the art of liberal Utopian control.

#NoAmnesty #GaysexCivilUnions #MarriageISforEVERY1


AG Holder Gives Nod To States to Break Laws {As leaders go,so go the people}

Gay Marriage Collides With Religious Liberty

Pres Reagan Most Intelligent & Being Black is All Attitude w/o Bitterness

Pres Reagan Most Intelligent & Being Black is All Attitude w/o Bitterness
By R.OliverLuce | 06-04-13

President Ronald Reagan may be very intellient as Mr. James Brown has said! But Reagan knew where intelligence and wisdom came from; It came from knowing God** and not just from his acting career.  Mr. Brown noticed Reagan was ”a man of conviction”.  But let’s be very clear here.  A man of true
conviction use to be and must always be associated with justice, righteousness, and the truth.

James Brown: “Black is not a color; it’s an attitude. It’s the attitude of independence, respect and dignity.” But I personally do not believe Mr. James Brown does not mean Black is all about being a jive turkey. Enough of that and other White turkeys lol.

However as for the Black Liberal in our time of America’s Hot Culture War, there is only independence, bitterness, and revenge. God’s grace is not with the Black man of the Liberal Utopian false-guilt complex.


** Knowing God is knowing His character which is wisdom, honor, patience, love, grace, justice(being a warrior & not to be confused with fairness), attitude and timing.

The Destruction of 9/11 an American Harbinger

The destruction of 9/11 a warning to America to return to her first love; To return to our Creator and Jesus His living Word.  A warning of further but worsening judgment to follow! And that increasing judgment has increased since 2001!!  Sudden terrible breaks will occur in due time!!!

The bricks have fallen (9/11); it’s not about destruction. It’s about our nation’s response to the 9/11 destruction, our vow of defiance to righteousness and moving on with our dirty attitudes toward godliness. Our nation has vowed to be self willed and self contained and self directed! For we thought our American ‘Liberal Utopian Socialism’ would save us from relying on God!!! Let us swear to prove it!! After all, we don’t need to rely on a God, the one who created us. HEY, after all we use to be monkeys!!! How surreal. At least this coming November 2012 we might get the chance to start our return back to righteousness and a dependence on our Creator once again…. maybe.

As Israel was defiant against God so are we. As Israel rebuilt, we also rebuilt. As Israel did, we replaced the fallen Sycamores trees with Cedar trees. We are like Israel in both actual happenings and actual defiance against God. 9/11 was our warning after all as some shouted in the days after the towers fell. But it was a bad time of raising the issue when we had lost do many people. But the real reason why we refused to listen to calling 9/11 a warning was our PRIDE.


Isaiah 9:10 “The bricks have fallen down, But we will rebuild with smooth stones; The sycamores have been cut down, But we will replace them with cedars.”